Currently located in Chico, California, Starhelm Studios was founded by Joshua DuJordan on December 17th, 2020.
Our studio explores the worlds of a thousand different tomorrows through many mediums. Right now this includes animation, board games, and comics. We aim to inspire people to think about the future; hopefully one that involves life in space. These futures might be wondrous. They might be terrifying. Starlight reveals all pathways.
While our team may be small now, our ambitions are great. Maybe one day we'll stand on the red sands of Mars and celebrate human unity and achievement. For now, it is a tale to be told, and a future we can realize, but only together. We hope you'll join us in our quest to bring people together in shared excitement for such a future.
Aim for the stars!
Joshua DuJordan
CEO and honorary Lytehelm
Raised in Yuba City, CA, Josh earned his Bachelor degree from CSUC in Applied Computer Graphics with an option in Production. For over 12 years he's worked on a variety of short films, commissions, and online contests in the art community. Once Vice President of his university's comic group, he assisted in the publication of three anthology comics. His animated short “Diligence” was a finalist in the international Nickelodeon Spongebob Squareshorts competition.
He has worked in consumer retail and customer service for over 11 years in both customer-facing and internal team-facing roles. In his free time, he likes designing board game content for the gaming community.
His favorite pastimes are listening to all kinds of music, watching old cartoons, cheering on space missions, and playing board games with friends.
I have been known by many names in my time, but you may call me Sol, after the star to which I am now duty-bound. There are many like me, working among the stars to help guide those who wish to go beyond their homeworld in the pursuit of purpose and understanding. It is not a feat we can accomplish alone though . . .
The tumultuous waves of spacetime are unpredictable and unforgiving. As if the dangers lurking on the surface there were not enough, there are always forces below and from within, threatening to snuff all noble endeavors from advancing upon the universe. Yet there is hope.
Among every race that I have helped, I have identified exemplary individuals who worked with myself and those like me to seek the light of the stars, even in times when others would consider it pointless. To these individuals I have given the title of "Lytehelm": acolytes of the stars. Where they flourished, their people ascended. Where their will waned . . . go to their quiet worlds and see for yourself.
It will take many of you working together, in the face of all adversity, to reach the stars. I can guide you, but you are the captains of your own destiny. The infinite universe is rooting for you. Go forth, young star souls. There is greatness in you. I have seen it.