Fire! Fire!
This is Starhelm Studios' first short film, and premiered October 23rd at the 7th annual Animation Chico festival online. It was created by Josh DuJordan.
Across the gulf of space lay endless opportunities. Will we cherish or squander them? This short film looks at a future where humanity finds another civilization on another world. Relations start off amicable, but sinister forces tethered to regressive Earthly tendencies threaten to ruin all progress. Will we follow in these footsteps, or become something better?
Ignition! And the engines fired!
Rising pillar, shined night, like day.
And all the shadows long… conspired
To snuff, what on those lands transpired;
Second son, no room to stay.
Ignition, and the engines fired...
War – ‘twas said – the name inspired,
Yet peace, and love, there found a way.
But... blue secrets, blue trenches, blue violence desired...
Fire! Fire! The guns they fired...
Steadfast son, did not Fear betray.
Still, tangerine dreams ran red and mired.
Then it was over, all assets wired;
New peace, no love, only obey.
Ignition, and the engines fired.
And all the shadows long conspired
To snuff our dreaming; no room to pray.
But now that we’ve seen, resisted, inquired,
I wonder... were the engines ever fired?
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